Stars form by magnetic fields and not by gravity. New simulations predict that hydrogen gas will undergo a phase transition into superfluid molecular hydrogen under very strong magnetic fields. This releases the radiation of starlight, with little to nothing by fusion theory and gravity. 

Liquid oxygen is paramagnetic and circulates around the poles of protostars and star forming galaxies (see video)

Stars stream like beads on strings inside interstellar filaments that have a typical characteristic width of about 0.3 light years. Doris Arzoumanian says "these findings highlight that something important must be going on at this particular scale."

Most stars are inside the spiral arms of galaxy filaments, where they form and stream like beads on strings. Supernovas produce many kinds of plasma shock waves that form new stars. 
Star superconducting electricity with magnetic field bubble

Star photos of animated gifs - click on links:

1) Star

2)  Binary Star Accretion Disk

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