Thursday, June 14, 2012

NGC 3314 Galaxies Spiral Arms Have Connecting Filaments That Stream Stars

the Hubble team claims that an "illusionary trick of perspective" by a chance alignment of two galaxies NGC 3314A (foreground) and NGC 3314B (background), mimics a galaxy collision. As long as galaxies are believed to be gravitational bound objects held together by 90% phony dark matter, ridiculous interpretations like this will continue. Streams of hot blue-white stars extend out from the spiral arms, but the Hubble team claims that no interaction is even taking place, because the galaxies are tens of millions of light years apart. Photos prove that the stars are streaming along an intergalactic filament bridge connecting together the two galaxies. The relative motions of the two galaxies does not matter. Detailed photos of the core region show intricately detailed patterns that connect together like a jigsaw puzzle's pieces, clearly showing that both galaxies are interacting by streaming material.  This is an intergalactic filament along our line of sight that connects together galaxies into galaxy groups and clusters. Halton Arp catalogued many examples of galaxies interacting by filaments, but big-bang cosmology still rejects his interpretation, by relying on attaching dark matter components to filaments.  The Sloan Great Wall supercluster filament is 1.37 billion light years in length. Our milky way's galaxy disk is about 100,000 light years in diameter. Galaxy Filaments commonly stretch tens to hundreds of millions of light years long, which is the distance separating these two galaxies. 
Streaming hot blue-white stars extend out from the spiral arm filaments of both galaxies. These young hot stars form inside filaments like beads on strings, and are seen intricately connecting both galaxies together across a rare line of sight looking through an intergalactic filament spanning tens of millions of light years. Obviously these galaxies are interacting electromagnetically, despite the wrong interpretation by ESA/Hubble.

The Hubble team should not be permitted to deny the truth by citing an optical illusion. Galaxy formation and evolution models based on gravity and dark matter are wrong. ESA Hubble says this is a mimic of a galaxy collision. Others say this is a fake galaxy collision. How can nature fake a galaxy collision? There is fake dark matter, but not fake galaxies interacting. The ESA Hubble scientist Keel, has no paper published, only an interpretation. Sometimes it appears to me that the two galaxies are almost the same distance away from earth, and we are looking at them side by side. Streaming gas clouds from both galaxies seem to overlap and exchange between foreground and background. There is an unusually large round plasma bubble that could be shared by both galaxies. There is clearly no evidence of any black hole, in what appears to be a dust free view of the center of a thin galaxy. Without a black hole in the galaxy's center, that galaxy was relegated by ESA Hubble to be the background galaxy.  

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