Friday, July 13, 2012

MRI of Sun Finds Current Models Entirely Wrong

line-of-sight Doppler velocity 
MRI of the Sun's inner plasma motions shows convection is 100 times slower or smaller than theoretical gravity fusion models. This breaks current theories on how sunspots and magnetic fields on the sun form. A complete overhaul of the physics of the sun's interior is necessary, says Hanasoge. The sun is opaque and its impossible to determine what is happening at its core. 
Fusion by gravity in the sun's core has just been proven wrong. Thomas Duvall at NASA finds that a MRI of the sun's interior plasma motions shows convection is 100 times too slow to be explained by fusion models in the sun's core.  Sunspots and magnetic fields on the sun, are now unexplainable by the standard solar model, requiring a complete overhaul in the physics of the sun's interior.  Of course, we know that electromagnetism without gravity is doing everything they cannot explain. Convection 100 times stronger on the sun to be held together by gravity would release enough heat to destroy the atmospheres of the inner planets.
Convection on the Sun

Star Su Aur magnetic field structure by Zeeman-doppler imaging

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