Thursday, August 16, 2012

30 Doradus Tarantula Nebula and Star Clusters Interact Merge Differently by Plasma Filaments Instead of by Gravity

Elena Sabbi's team of the Space Telescope Science Institute was looking for runaway stars, and noticed that there is not just one massive star cluster shining brightly in the huge star forming region at the center of the 30 Doradus Tarantula nebula, as commonly accepted by gravitational, conventional, traditional, institutionally held beliefs. Now instead they will finally start looking for many interacting star clusters and filaments in 30 Doradus where stars are forming, after having found merely the first of two huge interacting star clusters in the largest known star forming region near our galaxy.

Two star clusters found interacting by filaments
Sabbi states in the paper "A Double Cluster at the Core of 30 Doradus" that "this finding is consistent with the predictions of models of hierarchical fragmentation of turbulent giant molecular clouds"  (that are actually hierarchical self-similar fractal ionized molecular plasma clouds). 
30 Doradus Tarantula nebula Filaments

Elena Sabbi says "the distribution of low-mass stars in 30 Doradus is not spherical shaped" (as would be expected for gravity star forming models) "but instead has features similar to two interacting merging galaxies having elongated shapes." This is strong evidence for scalable fractal plasma structures, as first proposed by Hannes Alfven for a cosmic triple jump. 
Hannes Alfven proposed the cosmic triple jump in his paper "Interstellar Clouds and the Formation of Stars"
Fractal Geometric Star Clusters, Nebulae, and Galaxies

Elena Sabbi's team interpretation to explain how many young stars are outside 30 Doradus where they could not have initially formed, is that the runaway "low-mass stars may have been ejected at very high velocity from the center of the star cluster."  The conventional gravity interpretation is wrong for forming star clusters, because most stars would not be ejected from the center, but would collide by gravity with other stars, releasing observable explosions of light and energy equally supernovas. No stars have ever been observed to collide in a star cluster. Plasma astrophysics explains shows how interconnecting fractal filaments are responsible for these wrongly labelled "runaway stars." Stars are known to form and stream inside vast filaments like beads on filamentary strings. All stars are where they are for a reason, and do not require an excuse that they have been ejected from the center of a star cluster.  The "tidal tail gravity" theory has often been cited by astronomers to explain puzzling observations, and is entirely based upon electromagnetic mathematical equations derived mostly by Kip Thorne's model to conform with accepted relativity. Kip Thorne says that "tidal gravity" is the electric field, and the "frame-dragging" that warps space is the magnetic field.  The runaway stars were not ejected, but are under an applied electric field that stretches and pulls, forming the long tidal tails. Electricity is entirely, blatantly being neglected to explain cosmic phenomena like magnetic fields around molecular nebula clouds comprised of 99.999% ionized plasmas. Plasma is a good conductor of electricity in outer space. Magnetic fields are considered to produce effects, which are called frame-dragging in relativity as a way out of gravity problems. Electric currents, electric fields, and magnetic fields are all perpendicular to each other.  Galaxies show these forces operating by having perpendicular pattern shapes in spiral arms, jets, and dusty gas disks. Superconductive states of hydrogen and helium being discovered, when applied to stars, further confirms an electromagnetic macroscopic universe. 
The Hall Effect - superconduction of electricity along 3 perpendicular force directions

X-ray of 30 Doradus Tarantula Nebula
Tarantula nebula fractal patterns

30 Doradus and the background galaxy NGC 2070

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