Friday, February 15, 2013

Russian Meteorite and Asteroid 2012 DA14 Likely had same Trajectories Separated by a Magnetic Time Anomaly Angle When Encountering the Interplanetary Magnetic Field

Visible and Infrared Photo of Russian Meteorite

Russian Meteor Explosion and Asteroid 2012 DA14 Near Encounter Breaks Sets New Records Within 24 Hours Apart. NASA says they are not related events because they cannot explain it using their own gravity theories, and want to reduce panic. This story explains how Asteroid 2012 DA14 and the Russian meteor are astronomical related events happening together in an extremely brief time span. Why it's not just a coincidence like they say...

On Feb 15 2013, a space satellite photographs the meteor
that broke apart into its first largest fragments 32 to 50 miles above earth's surface

Meteors also were seen over San Francisco and Cuba on Feb 16, 2013
People in Russia take photos of the meteor everywhere on Feb 15, 2013

the local brightness depends on the trajectory changes

One of many fragments of the Russian meteor lands in a frozen lake, becoming a meteorite displaying black colors in the ice. It could be carbonaceous material from a carbonaceous chondrite meteorite, or the mineral magnetite, found in all iron nickel meteorites?
Lake 1 is very small, and is one of several impact sights showing no black magnetite material

Lake 2 : contains small 0.5 to 1 cm pieces of black matter resembling rock around the ice hole impact sight
Scientists have collected meteorite samples up to 1 cm size and are analyzing it. Divers could not find a larger piece. Citizens are looking for pieces of the meteorite in many places. 
Photos of metallic meteorite pieces look similar to the black matter at the Russian lake impact sight. This is likely material associated with asteroid 2012 DA14 that encountered strong interplanetary magnetic fields, and was deflected towards earth's magnetic field along a different trajectory. Samples should match with asteroid 2012 DA14 and prove we all really knew this. Gravity scientists offer nothing but denial that this can be related.  In the future, we all know that any large body passing close to earth like asteroid 2012 DA14 is going to have associated pieces following the same trajectory, that can be deflected by strong magnetic fields. This will be far worse next time asteroid 2012 DA14 returns.

Russian meteorite fragments found in a lake near Chebarkul have been studied by Viktor Grohovsky of the Urals Federal University. "The meteorite is an ordinary chondrite, a stony meteorite about 10% iron" says Grohovsky.

an ordinary stony chondrite meteorite was found in Russia

the Russian chondrite meteorite sample from a frozen lake contains 10% iron.
radioactivity detectors

53 pieces of the meteorite were collected to study
this is a sample of the Russian stony meteorite, an ordinary chondrite containing 8% iron, olivine, and sulfite. Silicates also comprise most of the mass of low metallic S-type asteroids. The Nanotech center in Urals University says "We have diagnosed all the common minerals found - the metallic iron, olivine, and sulfite." "Over 8% of the mass consists of these metals." Sulfite burning in the atmosphere explains the reported smells.  

 People reported there was a terrible smell of sulfur in the air. It was the sulfite burning in the atmosphere from the Russian meteor.

Russian meteorites found named Chebarkul

similar meteorite but not authenic

Urals Federal University analysis of the meteorite samples

Russian meteorite's stony composition matches the composition of Asteroid 2012 DA14

Asteroid 2012 DA14 is a S-type asteroid mostly of magnesium silicate composition and iron. Only 17% of all asteroids are S-type having a stony composition similar to a variety of stony meteorites, consisting of magnesium silicates and iron. 87% of all meteorites are ordinary chondrites that vary in percentage of iron and metals. Ordinary chondrites like these samples are usually fragments reaching the ground that broke off from a larger asteroid, in this case from asteroid 2012 DA14. The compositions are both similar. 

There is a group of stony meteorites called carbonaceous chondrites consisting largely of hydrated magnesium-iron silicate, magnetite, and magnesium sulfate. This groundmass encloses chondrules of olivine.

NASA said "the trajectory of the Russian meteor was significantly different than the trajectory of the asteroid 2012 DA14, making it a completely unrelated object." They had opposite traveling north to south trajectories, and not the same trajectory, to be related events. The Interplanetary Magnetic Field could be responsible for diverting asteroid fragments, since the strengths and effects of cosmic magnetic fields keeps increasing beyond what is currently believed at NASA. The sun's magnetic field lines have recently been shown to reinforce and align with the magnetic field lines of earth, involving magnetic reconnection and space portals around earth's magnetosphere. A near encounter with the interplanetary magnetic field by the asteroid 2012 DA14, could break smaller pieces apart, and deflect the trajectory of their orbits around the sun. Two orbits can be separated by a time anomaly angle, but have the same trajectory. A recent very near encounter with the interplanetary magnetic field of the smaller mass asteroid fragment, could deflect and change trajectory, so to possibly strike earth. The Russian meteor broke apart into fragments over Urals, and scattered into fragments streaking across three regions. The meteorite that landed in the lake was moving at a low trajectory about 30 km/s and weighed about 10 tons before entering earth's atmosphere. The larger asteroid passed by earth about 24 hours later, and is the biggest object to ever come so close to earth. These two events are very likely related.

The trajectory of the Russian meteor made it appear to arrive from the sun and approach earth. These asteroids suddenly appear out from nowhere from the direction of the sun and cannot be seen or predicted. Magnetic reconnection between the sun and earth connect together the magnetic field lines of both objects, and these lines of force cause magnetic anomalies when a passing object with mass comes nearby. Magnetic field lines will change the trajectory of a deflected object to travel in opposite directions. Scientists wish not to discuss but rather to dismiss everything as a coincidence to be the experts in authority.

Gingin observatory filmed a motion video from time elapsed photos of asteroid DA 14 as it approached earth.

It's not just a 1 in 10 billion cosmic coincidence that asteroid DA14 approached earth, and brought with it fragments that became fireballs seen over Russia and the San Francisco bay area.  Nobody should believe what the media and government authorities say, when they're so sure that there is not any kind of relation at all. To admit that magnetic fields and electric currents can divert the trajectories of fragments of asteroids near earth, proves that gravity cosmology is wrong.


  1. Hi Pat. I have some questions.

    You wrote “we all know that any large body passing close to earth like asteroid 2012 DA14 is going to have associated pieces following the same trajectory”.

    How do we know this? What evidence is there?

    And related to the above statement, you wrote “that can be deflected by strong magnetic fields”.

    How can it be that a 10,000 ton object has its orbit changed so drastically (from passing South to North like DA14 to passing East to West like the meteor) just moments before entering the atmosphere, but 1 ton satellites in orbit around the Earth, Moon and many other locations around the solar system show no evidence of such forces? Wouldn't these light weight objects get thrown around like litter blowing in the wind?

    Do you believe F=m*a?

    Are you familiar with the American Meteor Society? They list 454 events so far for this year (an average of 8 per day!). With so much "junk" out there, strange coincidences are bound to happen.

  2. A satellite does not orbit the sun, and doesn't encounter the electrical charged solar wind, magnetospheres, and interplanetary magnetic field. Asteroid 2012 DA14 is billions of years old orbiting the sun, and is heated when near the sun causing fractures,that ultimately fragments. 8% iron metals in the asteroid become magnetized, as charges build up and create magnetic fields in the spaces between the asteroid and the fragments. Magnetic anomaly regions where the magnetic fields of these structures overlap,can deflect a magnetized asteroid fragment, and are areas of orbits around the sun.Space portals are overlapping magnetic fields with earth and sun.


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