Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Unexplainable Bright Red Radio Wave Lobe Structure in MACS Galaxy Cluster

Quantum Critical Spin Liquid resemblance to galaxy cluster radio lobes around centers.
Galaxy Clusters pileup together by strong magnetic fields forming a superfluid center. "Radio wave lobes are an unambiguous signature of an electric current", states Kronberg regarding the 10^16 Amp of electric current in the jet of galaxy 3c303.
 The Radio wave antennae shaped structure could be produced by a spinning plasmoid superfluid like material:  (1) In a Skyrmion magnetic monopole vortex quantum space like superfluid state, that compares to actual animations of the skyrmion spin-wave packet resembling galaxies and their magnetic fields and spin centers. (2) Radio emissions could be magnetized iron ejected by supernovas, collectively aligning along the magnetic fields around galaxies. The strongest known cosmic magnetic field strengths in the universe are in galaxy cluster pileups, where enormous pressures could form quantum skyrmion lattices that seemingly scales to macroscopic galactic sizes.


Superfluid Two Fluid Component Corotating Pair:

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